The alliance objectives
& action plan


The window to close the gap on global emissions and stay within a 1.5°C world is rapidly decreasing. The next decade will be critical in ensuring that global emissions are cut in half in order to attain the target of net-zero emissions by 2050.

Emirates Nature-WWF is proud to announce the first UAE tailored alliance for climate action, named UAE Alliance for Climate Action (UACA). UACA is an alliance of stakeholders to increase momentum of paris-aligned targets and see greater collaboration.

Pillars of the Alliance
Increase non-state actor readiness to set science based targets by providing tools, visibility & capacity building.
Activate the Marrakesh Partnership for the UAE to gather stakeholders to enhance the enabling policy environment for decarbonization.
What is UACA?
 Vision & Mission

A surge of ambition and action at the sub-national level to give national stakeholders the opportunity to rachet up ambition.


Address policy barriers which will further increase ambition and implementation;


Enable further ambition through increased accountability, reporting & recognition.

UAE Alliance for Climate Action: Launch at COP27

On November 15th 2022, the WWF Pavilion transformed to host the Alliances for Climate Action (ACA) to demonstrate the power of bottom-up approaches to decarbonization and climate action. We are pleased to have hosted the launch of the newest alliance joining the network of national alliances: the UAE Alliance for Climate Action (UACA). Emirates Nature in association with WWF (Emirates Nature-WWF) is proud to have officially launched the UAE Alliance for Climate Action (UACA). UACA officially joins as the 9th global alliance dedicated to driving ambitious climate action, increasing support for addressing the climate crisis, and engaging national governments.

Become a member

The need for ramping up collective momentum on credible decarbonisation in line with science and for a bottom-up approach to deliver on the UAE's net-zero vision and the Paris agreement is needed now.